Beautiful Bump Blog


This is where I am supposed to tell you about me and your Dad – but of course my dear baby – by the time you read this you will know who we are anyway.

So, I will use this space and tell you who we are now and how we met!

As I write this your father (who I will start calling Colin, as that is his name!) is playing golf – so that covers one of his interests.  Colin and I have known each other for many years, actually, we were at school together although he is 2 years older than me.

I remember watching him play soccer (that is what we call it in South Africa) at school and thinking what great legs he has – I really hope you have his legs or shall I say legs like him, I am sure he wants to keep his!

Anyway, I deviate – although we knew each other at school we never as much as said “hi” and “good-bye” to each other but moved in the same circle of friends.

In December 2008 – I went home to South Africa for your Aunt Natalie’s wedding (my sister) and your father looked at me in the church and told me I look gorgeous!  My heart raced so fast and I couldn’t understand why – after all it was Colin who I knew!  What was going on?

We saw each other again on Boxing Day and that is where it all started.  We talked until 3am in the morning and two days later we postponed my flight back to the UK until after New Year!  It was an amazing few days and we promised to have a long distance relationship until we figured it all out.

I landed back in the UK thinking I was going to move home again.  I just wanted to get a project done and then home!  The project, writing a book about Childbirth and producing a range of hypnotic CD’s to help mother-to-be have a better birth, took longer than we thought and for the next year Colin and I flew back and forth between the UK and South Africa.

Colin decided he needed a big change and declared his move to the UK – so in December 2009 – your father joined me in the UK!  I was delighted and our lives together could finally begin.  Your father’s love was and is just what I was looking for….

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  • beautifulbump: Thank you for your lovely message Lois - we are loving our little girl. I haven't posted for a while but will start up again. I can't believe your
  • Doreen: Dearest Janay and Colin, So very,very proud and happy for all three of you. You looked so well in the pool Janey. She is trully a wee angel. - (fo
  • lynne haste: OMG congratulation guys, she is sooooooooooo gorgeous ! very very cute indeed :-) Welcome and a hippy haste hello to pepper :- Janay, the blog was


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